Covid 19- Update: Ontario’s Roadmap To Reopening
This week the government of Ontario released it’s official roadmap to reopening as local businesses anxiously await these proposed dates, it’s fair to say there is light at the end of the tunnel after all. Now before we get too ahead of ourselves, these dates also come along with strict guidelines that need to be met that coincides with vaccination percentages.
Here’s the full breakdown ;

The province will remain at each step for at least 21 days to evaluate any impacts on key public health and health system indicators.
At the end of the 21 days, they will evaluate vaccination rates and look for positive trends in other key public health and health system indicators.
If trends in key public health and health system indicators are positive, the province will move to the next step two weeks after the following vaccination thresholds have been met:
- Step 1: 60% of adults vaccinated with one dose
- Step 2: 70% of adults vaccinated with one dose and 20% vaccinated with two doses
- Step 3: 70 to 80% of adults vaccinated with one dose and 25% vaccinated with two doses
Although some businesses will still remain closed until at least step three of the new reopening roadmap, there is now clearly a plan in place as some businesses are on the brink of complete closure.
What step 1 means for Kennedy Road businesses:
- Outdoor fitness classes and personal training and sports training up to 10 people
- Essential retail at 25% capacity and can sell all goods (including discount and big box)
- non-essential retail at 15% capacity
- outdoor religious services, rites and ceremonies with capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres
What step 2 means for Kennedy Road businesses:
- outdoor dining at restaurant’s up to 6 people per table
- non-essential retail 25% capacity; essential retail at 50% capacity
- personal care services where face coverings can be worn at all times with capacity limits
- indoor religious services, rites or ceremonies at 15% capacity
What step 3 means for Kennedy Road businesses:
- indoor dining with capacity limits
- indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities with capacity limits
- essential and non-essential retail with capacity expanded
- personal care services with capacity expanded and some other restrictions
- indoor and outdoor religious services, rites or ceremony gatherings with capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres
We will continue to update this blog as additional information becomes available.